How to super strength your belief; even when your goals feel so far away
One of my favourite hobbies is to dream big. I have always been a very visual person and can easily dream up all kinds of scenarios in my head and create the whole picture to the point in which I think it is real… I guess it is real in another dimension; I just need to figure out how I am going to welcome it into the present day.
However sometimes when I dream big; the very nature of the exercise means that it feels a long way away; not only in terms of time but also who I need to be. On first look there could be many obstacles cluttering up the gap between where I am right now and where I want to be…
Today I want to share some practical exercises to help you maintain the belief and the excitement; but also be in a place and space where you can take action.
I want your ‘big picture’ to engage you not stifle you. Even though it may feel out of reach, I want you to be able to build a connection with your vision and begin now…
Maybe you know it is your time to make some mega moves?
But perhaps you don’t know how to start or maybe you would benefit from accountability or support or a plan…
Here are a number of ways I can help you:
Strategy session details here
Monthly moves details here
The 100 club details here